Kyle McDonald: Sharing faces
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The story behind the Sharing Faces is written up in an article at Creative Application Network by Filip Visnjic.
Sharing Faces
By Kyle McDonald.
This is the first of a series of installations in multiple countries. Starting with Anyang, the next will be located in Yamaguchi, Japan. A camera at each site continuously captures images of visitors to the installation and sends the photos to another location. As a visitor interacts with the piece, it tracks their facial expressions and finds a matching image that was sent from the other location.
Sharing Faces is inspired by traveling between countries with many similarities that still have some tension between them. It’s inspired by stories like the intervention of the Sabine women in ancient Rome, the internal conflict of Arjuna at the Kurukshetra battlefield, the revelation of Father Zosima in the Brothers Karamazov: stories where the value of frustration and struggle, sometimes even between brothers, is questioned. When we have trouble seeing eye-to-eye, or face-to-face, sometimes we just need to spend some time looking at each other. And if you look long enough, you will discover: we all wear the same expressions, we share the same faces.
from APAP website.
Drawings for Sharing Faces
Exchange with YCAM
As part of our initiative to further collaboration, Making Lab team went to YCAM to visit Interlab and friends in 2013. Pics