In the Lunar New Year, I made a drawing based on her video instruction. I took it out to Kyungbok palace and shot video. Here is the video.

Correspondece of before the video.

CK to TY **

about drawings… three notes (ill copy and paste some, im too lazy to rewrite):

  1. the reason i use four lines instead of standard five lines:

A standard staff consists of four horizontal lines, but you only use four fingers to sign “score” in American Sign Language because it is aesthetically and spatially natural that way. If you used the thumb, it would look like an awkward looking score.

  1. I like using the piano as a metaphor. Playing the piano is similar to ASL. When you put your pinky finger down that’s one note. Each finger has its separate notes, and all together you have 10 notes. So if you put them down at the same time, they become a chord. That’s like ASL. It’s not the same as English. It’s spatial, not linear. If you think of a facial expression as one note, then body movement as another note, then speed as another note, hand shape, placement, and so on — all these parts add up to convey the message. When you do it all simultaneously, it becomes a chord.

  2. hence, the chord idea is making me think of both korean and deaf cultures - they’re both high context (in some ways). very tight, people work collectively, etc. id like to make some drawings in response to all of this. just came across this image and i really like it:

  3. another direction would be experimenting with all different number of lines? 1 line staff, 2 line staff, 3 line staff, etc etc. ? i always interpret these as paradigmatic

  4. i wonder, can you hack metronomes? ive been experimenting with rhythms and i like 80 bpm the most… i think mainly bc of my heart beats. 60-80bpm is normal for adults.

let me know your thoughts and im wondering if theres something you could make in terms of chord/asl/10fingers/bpm? something that has harmony. maybe not 100%

TY to CK

I was just wondering why the lines are only four and it makes complete sense now!

The exhibition is attracting some interest. its super warm feeling when people ask if this drawing is actually your (CK’s) work. i say with pride, she sent it to me.

There is an area dedicated to your work in the gallery. One shelf and some wall space. The shelf has tube which contained the drawing. the space can be rearranged in another way. Also I can play a video.

I love the idea of drawings which instruct us to think of sound in four lines, missing one but opening up room for uncommon interpretation. Reduction which actually adds unknown senses.

In terms of making drawings or hacking objects on this concept, I’m game for trying out something new! I can look into hacking metronome, but it’s mostly mechanical- not so much electrical. So hacking it may involve mostly changing weight, height, etc. I wonder if I can make a circuit that can reduct some element of time keeping of metronome. (this also rings bell with our LACMA project, which is about making personal timekeeping devices)

on your last question… “let me know your thoughts and im wondering if theres something you could make in terms of chord/asl/10fingers/bpm? something that has harmony. maybe not 100%”

this is a great beginning. I have this week free - it’s the lunar new year. Ill start hacking something and keep you posted.

Please consider the idea of sending me quick videos. I love your birthday card video for me. Maybe each drawing can have simple instruction on ASL, which I find someone else to interpret and respond in a video made from the gallery?