April 20, 2014

Green Living Lab

This is preliminary research for an open source art project about urgent environmental issues in East Asia. The purpose of this research is to provide practical guideline for a technical research institution to commission an art work in the public space. The commission has special interest in advocating green technology. Critical mass of engineers and scientists, policy makers and activists are engaged with improving ecosystem health and biodiversity. Their research and activity provides the context for this art project and its position in the world. Artist and the commissioning institution will collaborate to build strategies for public engagement and outline the core principles of the project. The institution and project coordinators will search for potential candidates for collaborators and cooperators in the region of focus. The outcome from the project is created in effect from the art work, and does not necessarily take the form of a deliverable product or experience. The research also presents some propositions for further steps over years and foreseeable outcomes from the project. This research is conducted as part of my advisory effort for Green Technology Center in South Korea.

Prepared by: Taeyoon Choi with support of Tega Brain and Peng Cheng May 22, 2014

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